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This tone model bundle is a collection of tones based off a Mesa/Boogie Mark V tube amplifier. This bundle is a set of captures based off my favorite settings of the various channels of the amp, meticulously captured direct with no speaker cabs. The included presets will incorporate a custom impulse response which can be swapped out or turned off by the end user to utilize the direct capture in any way they would like.

This bundles tone models model an array of different amplifier settings. The bundle includes 8 direct tone models all at various gain levels and settings/voicings through the previously mentioned speakers. The naming convention for the tone presets are, for example, as follows:

JS – Cali V DI xxxx

The “xxxx” represents the level of gain and change in voicing of the amplifier. The following are included:

1. Clean – Amp set for a beautiful Clean tone.
2. Push 1 & 2 – The amp pushed to breakup with each of these having a unique voicing.
3. OD 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 – The amp at higher gain settings with a different voicing for each.

Feel free to use these captures and presets as starting points to dial in your own tones or use them as dialed in by default.

IK Multimedia Tonex - Cali V Direct Ultimate Tone Models


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