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One incredible feature of Tonex is the addition of the ability to load custom direct guitar

files into the demo player so we can audition the tones in a way we can hear how they

sound with our own guitars set to the levels that we normally play at. The issue with the

demo player up until now is that the guitar DI files were recorded VERY hot, much hotter

than most players would play at or even have the ability to play at making them of limited use without adjusting the gain knob control on the tone model which is actually a great option to bring them more in line with levels a player may be using.


Now that we can load custom DI files, I wanted to make this collection available as a

starting point for users to load into their Tonex software. You will notice in this collection

the files are named as follows (for example):


lp_bridge_clean - (0.0 dB)


In the above example the “lp” refers to the type of guitar used. In this case it is a Les Paul. The next word is referring to the pickup position used, in this case the “bridge” position. The next word is the suggested type of tone this DI will sound the best with, in this case a “clean” tone. And finally, the number in parentheses refers to the level of Global Input Trim this would correspond with on Tonex Pedal or Tonex One. In other words, when you play these DI files back in Tonex software, they will sound exactly as if you played that same tone model/preset in Tonex Pedal/Tonex One with the Global Input Trim set to the same number.


The guitars and pickups used for the included DI files are as follows:


lp = Gibson Les Paul Standard ‘60’s w/’60’s Burstbucker pickups

strat = Vigier Expert Retro 54 w/Dimarzio Area 61, Area 61, Virtual Vintage 54 Pro

lp_jr_p90 = Les Paul Junior w/Gibson P-90 Dog Ear

tone_zone = Vigier Excalibur w/Dimarzio Tone Zone


The following info will allow you to compare some of the Global Input Trim settings on Tonex Pedal to other popular audio interfaces on the market so you can have a reference when switching between using Tonex software and Tonex Pedal/Tonex One:


Tonex Pedal/Tonex One Global Input Trim

(all at minimum gain unless stated otherwise)

-7.0 dB – Focusrite Clarett+

-6.0 dB – IK Multimedia AXE I/O

-5.5 dB – IK Multimedia iRig USB

-4.0/-4.5 dB – IK Multimedia AXE I/O Solo, Universal Audio Apollo, Focusrite Scarlett 4th


-3.0 dB – MOTU Ultra-Lite Mk. 5 (with +8 dB added to Instrument Input)

-3.5 dB – Line 6 Helix/HX Stomp

-2.5 dB – IK Multimedia AXE I/O One

-1.0 dB – IK Multimedia iRig HD X

Tonex - Custom DI File Collection


    Some descriptions used herein may be trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Jason Sadites or 16582427 Canada Inc.. These trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose tones and sounds were studied during the making of any digital products on this website.

    Marshall is a registered trademarks of Marshall Amplification Plc.
    Mesa/Boogie is a registered trademarks of Mesa/Boogie Ltd.
    Bogner is a registered trademark of Bogner Amplification.
    Matchless is a registered trademark of Matchless, LLC.

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