The Tone Kitchen series is an exciting series of tone models that blend two complimentary tube amplifiers and combine them into a single incredible tone model that showcase the best of each amps tonal qualities.
This tone model bundle is a collection of tones based off a blend of a Matchless Chieftain and a Suhr SL 67 “Plexi” amplifier. The bundle is a set of captures based off my favorite settings on the amp meticulously captured through cabinets loaded with a 12” Celestion G12H-65 Creamback (Matchless Chieftain) and a 12” Celestion G12M-65 Creamback (Suhr SL 67) speakers.
This bundles tone models model an array of different gain and channel settings. The bundle includes 5 blended amp/cab tone models (amp > mic > mic pre) all at various gain levels and settings through the previously mentioned speaker. The naming convention for the tone presets are, for example, as follows:
JS – Plexi Chief Ult xxxx x
The xxxx signifies the overall level of gain in the tone model from Clean to Push to OD. The single “x” signifies the level of gain within the previous mentioned overall level of gain.
- Clean – Amp set to as clean as it can be.
- Push 1 – This is a pushed to breakup amp tone.
- Push 2 – This is a higher gain tone in comparison to Push 1.
- Push 3 – This is a higher gain tone in comparison to Push 2.
- OD – This is a higher gain tone in comparison to Push 3.
The tone models were recorded with both a Royer Labs R10 ribbon mic and a Beyer Dynamic M160 ribbon mic.
Feel free to use these captures and presets as starting points to dial in your own tones or use them as dialed in by default.