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This tone model bundle is a collection of tones based off an incredible Fender ’57 Custom Champ amplifier.


The bundle is a set of captures based off my favorite settings on the amp meticulously captured both through the combos 1x8 Weber Special Design speaker and DI (amp only).


This bundles tones model an array of different gain and channel settings. The bundle includes 5 amp/cab tone models (amp > mic > mic pre) and 5 amp only (DI) tone models all at various gain and tonal settings through the previously mentioned speaker cab.


The naming convention for the tone model presets are, for example, as follows:


JS Amercn Chmp (DI) “x”


The ‘x’ signifies the overall level of gain on the tone model. If the name contains “DI” it signifies a DI or direct rig/profile.


The amp tone models were captured with a Royer R10 ribbon mic.


Feel free to use these captures and presets as starting points to dial in your own tones or use them as dialed in by default.

IK Multimedia Tonex - American Chmp Ultimate and DI Tone Models


Build Your Own Bundle (Buy 5 Get 25% Off)

Some descriptions used herein may be trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Jason Sadites or 16582427 Canada Inc.. These trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify the products of those manufacturers whose tones and sounds were studied during the making of any digital products on this website.

Marshall is a registered trademarks of Marshall Amplification Plc.
Mesa/Boogie is a registered trademarks of Mesa/Boogie Ltd.
Bogner is a registered trademark of Bogner Amplification.
Matchless is a registered trademark of Matchless, LLC.

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